Current Projects T’ena

CURRENT PROJECTS T’ENA Seven Guetto is small community situated close to Awaro, about 7km from Ambo. Its name comes from the 7 families that compose the village (42 inhabitants) that we met on our first trip in 2010. Project T’ena was the first thing that we did upon arrival to Seven Guetto. We started a healthcare […]
Current Projects Ubuntu

CURRENT PROJECTS UBUNTU Project Ubuntu is born form one of the pillars in which “voluntarios por África” is based. This is the necessity of carrying out projects with the help of the communities we try to aid. VPA does not seek to carry out projects independently, but rather work with the communities and teach them […]
Current Projects Timihiriti

CURRENT PROJECTS TIMIHIRITI Education is one of the pillars of “Voluntarios Por África”. To access it, it is imperative for children to have school supplies, something completely impossible for families when we first arrived to their village. From the get go, we supplied children with enough material for them to access education. To this day, […]
Current Projects Gebisa Chituu

CURRENT PROJECTS GEBISA – CHITUU Project Gebisa (management of social vulnerability families) was born from the collaboration between VPA and The University of Ambo, as well as Project Ubuntu. The funded students by VPA are from the community of Gebisa, formed by 150 extremely poor families situated 15km from Ambo. Their own community chose 8 […]
Current Projects Hirmee

CURRENT PROJECTS HIRMEE This shelter project that started in 2015 has become a true necessity for mothers and children, and is highly demanded by Ambo´s social services. This is true due to two main reasons: The number of homeless mothers with children on the street increases every day. International adoptions have been temporarily stopped, so orphanages […]
Current Proyects Hakiimii Biyya

CURRENT PROJECTS HAKIIMII BIYYA Project “A doctor for the village” was born from the vital necessity of a doctor in the villages we visit. The lack of medical attention a reality we witness every time we visit the country. As we knew Francis (an experienced doctor) was working with Ambo´s public hospital, we arranged to […]
Finished Projects Ye´inisisati Gizhï

FINISHED PROJECTS YE’INISIATI GIZHÏ Seven Guetto is a small village situated next to Awaro, about 7km from Ambo. It is named after the seven families that compose it, who we met for the first time in 2010, when they were established as an official village of 42 inhabitants. On arrival, we found a farming and […]
Finished Projects Kebede

FINISHED PROJECS KEBEDE In 2012, Ambo´s Social Services contacted us to tell us about a dramatic situation they were facing. There was a 10 year-old child with his hands and other parts of his body serverely burnt. As soon as we heard about it we got to work. The medical evaluation said that his hands could […]
Finished Projects Algubb

FINISHED PROJECTS ALGUBB Ever since our arrival in 2010 one of the most terrifying aspects of their daily lives is the lack of potable clean water, and the subsequent use of contamined water from a close river. Not to enter in much detail, it is sufficient to say that water is indispensable for the correct […]
Finished Projects Mebirati

FINISHED PROJECTS MEBIRATI For many years, our stay in the village was cut short, having to leave before nightfall, which in some periods of the year is really early. The lack of electricity made impossible to return to the main road safely, something that was extended to the inhabitants of Seven Guetto on a daily […]