Finished Projects Ye´inisisati Gizhï
FINISHED PROJECTS YE’INISIATI GIZHÏ Seven Guetto is a small village situated next to Awaro, about 7km from Ambo. It is named after the seven families

Finished Projects Kebede
FINISHED PROJECS KEBEDE In 2012, Ambo´s Social Services contacted us to tell us about a dramatic situation they were facing. There was a 10 year-old

Finished Projects Algubb
FINISHED PROJECTS ALGUBB Ever since our arrival in 2010 one of the most terrifying aspects of their daily lives is the lack of potable clean

Finished Projects Mebirati
FINISHED PROJECTS MEBIRATI For many years, our stay in the village was cut short, having to leave before nightfall, which in some periods of the

Finished Projects Teseyayet
FINISHED PROJECTS TESEJAYET To speak about Tesejayet is to speak about one of the key reasons why VPA was founded. In 2010, we met Tesejayet,