Seven Guetto is small community situated close to Awaro, about 7km from Ambo.
Its name comes from the 7 families that compose the village (42 inhabitants) that we met on our first trip in 2010.
Project T’ena was the first thing that we did upon arrival to Seven Guetto. We started a healthcare program for the inhabitants of Seven Guetto, who suffered from several health problems such as malnutrition, parasitic illnesses, pneumonia, and malaria. Ever since we started this project, we have provided them with a yearly revision, addressing the most severe cases and providing medicine when necessary.
Fighting and erradicating malaria (a deadly disease) has been one of our main goals. In 2010, it affected 90% of their population. Medical revisions made possible that, in 2017 only 30% of Seven Guetto suffered from Malaria, reducing this number to just 1 in 2017.
Our fight against malaria is not only reduced to fighting the symptoms, but also includes education and means (such as bug nets) to prevent it.
Right now, the village is mostly healthy (with just some minor diseases and the eventual accident). The sole exception is Bakala, who suffered from a severe foot infection that required surgery in our last trip, but who is now in the process of recovering.
MARCH 2018
The village is still mostly healthy. In this trip, we only had to aid a kid with conjuctivitis, who will make a full recovery thanks to the aid of our doctor.
T´ena - Medicine and healthcare access
2011 - TODAY