Ever since our arrival in 2010 one of the most terrifying aspects of their daily lives is the lack of potable clean water, and the subsequent use of contamined water from a close river. Not to enter in much detail, it is sufficient to say that water is indispensable for the correct funcion of the human body, as it is responsable for all tissues working prperly and effectively. For two years we explored the possibility of building a well, but the excesive cost (60.000 euros) and other logistic complications made us rule out the idea in favor of other more feasible alternatives.
In 2013 Project Algubb was born, as a direct consecuence of the servere lack of water in the long dry seasons in Ethiopia. The end goal was to collect water during the wet season, store it in tanks and use it during the dry season for personal hygene, driking and watering crops.
A year later we marked and measured construction zones, and with some local governement permits we got to work. In August 2015 we started the construction of rain water funnels, with direct access to a 10.000 liter tank. After the project was finished, we were warned by Abeba (our construction responsable in Ambo) that the strong storms and winds could potentially endanger the balance of the tanks, so we started a parallel project which only goal was to strenghten the water tank structures.
In February 2016, we recieved the wonderful news that not only was the project finished, but the enclousre of the water tanks provided the villagers with a “Shelter House” with multiple uses both for them and for future projects.
Bearing witnesses of the huge improvement clean water brought to their life conditions, and fearing one tank would not be enough to sustain long-term drinking and watering for the whole village, we decided to add a second 10.000 liter tank to the existing one, making sure the village´s water requirements are loosely met.